- Get the total number of entries for each division and divide by 8 to give you the number of groups within a division. For example if you have between 8 and 16 entries you would make up two groups. 16 to 32 entries, you make up 4 groups. If there where 10 entries in a division you would have two groups of 5 players each. The out bracket should be the bottom of the group so that the winner will not come up again until the end of the second first round.
- Start with the club that has the most entries for the division you are working on. Seed their four best players one each into the individual groups. Then seed their next best players as far away as possible in each of the groups. When you finish seeding the first club/dojo get the next largest number of entries and start the process over. Use the clubs with the smaller number of entries to fill in the gaps. See the example below of club A and Club B each with 8 players in the division.
- Send your draft matchup to the other matchup committee members for review. The more eyes that review it the better. Every year the members catch mistakes or omissions or have good input on the seeding.