- How to structure & run kendo classes to enable you to be a better kendo
teacher. - Teaching mixed level classes including learning styles and teaching methods.
- Identify individual strengths and weaknesses to better understand your kendo and give you tools to improve
- Advice on how to schedule specific content in a structured way and provide you with methodology for managing an insular environment.
- How to lead a group and not neglect your own training
- Study the full set of kendo fundamentals and how to incorporate them into your teaching
- Hosting a seminar or dojo special training
- Connection and networking with other US kendo leaders to help grow American kendo
- To provide you with ideas on how to structure your kendo club to maximize potential
- Criteria for shinsa, how to train for shinsa vs. taikai, and finding a balance
- How to integrate kendo culture & US student expectations
- Locations and ideas to help secure a good training facility
- 501(c)(3) overview, resources for those needing to obtain non-profit status